Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Obama Deception: Freedom Under Siege

This country has been infiltrated. Who is the man we call our President? He is a man that came out of nowhere and straight to the top of the world. Very few people had ever heard the name Obama until the 2008 Presidential campaign had started, and people need to know who this man is. I will present some information that seeks to answer the question: "Is Barack Obama really trying to serve this country's best interest, and the best interest of its people?" The following is a compilation of months of research and I am confident of all the information provided in this report and it is encouraged that all people fact check the information that follows for themself.

Now let's start from the beginning...

Part 1
OBAMA TIMELINE                                          

Barack Hussein Obama, II was born in 1961 in Hawaii, a local newspaper records his birth, but his birth certificate was not available until 2011. His father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr and his mother Stanley Dunham meet in 1960, wed in 1961, and divorce in 1964. His mother then marries Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia. When the government of Indonesia orders Soetoro to return to his country in 1967, his wife and young Barack follow him, and Obama’s mother relinquishes him of his US citizenship. Lolo then adopts Obama and becomes his legal father and renames him Barry Soetoro. At age 6 Barry becomes enrolled in first grade at an Indonesian school. There are no records indicating that “Barry Soetoro” ever changed his name back to “Barack Obama”, and there are no records indicating that “Barry Soetoro” ever changed his citizenship back to American. So let's now talk about that birth certificate of his.... (If you don't want to watch the whole video just skip to about 8 minutes in.)


This birth certificate is so obviously fabricated that it makes you wonder why the Obama Administration would even release it since he became President without ever having to show it. In the 3 years leading up to April 2011 when it was finally released, people all over the nation made the simple demand that Obama show his Certificate of Live Birth, but he never did. When it was finally released it was only available on the internet, which does not make it credible.

Forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines, a former Federal Examiner with a long history of expert testimony in state and federal courts has testified saying that "I can state with certainty that the certificate of live birth presented on the internet by the various groups, which include the 'Daily Kos,' the Obama Campaign, '' and others cannot be relied upon as genuine. Software such as Adobe Photoshop can produce complete images or alter images that appear to be genuine; therefore, any image offered on the internet cannot be relied upon as being the authentic document." Nobody should be satisfied that Obama released his birth certificate only through the internet.

Here is a picture of his birth certificate, showing that his name at birth was Barack Obama...


Here is the official record of the school he attended as a kid while living in Indonesia, showing that his name is now Barry Soetoro and his citizenship Indonesian.


In Indonesia, it is unlawful to write any name on this form other than the applicant’s legal name and US citizens were not permitted to attend Indonesian school by law, eliminating the idea that Obama could have dual-citizenship.

Again, there are no records indicating that “Barry Soetoro” ever changed his name back to “Barack Obama”, and there are no records indicating that “Barry Soetoro” ever changed his citizenship back to American.

These things lead us to believe that something is not right here. In fact, Obama's very own grandmother says she was there when he was born in Kenya. Although a Honolulu local newspaper records his birth, his delivering doctor is unknown. This leaves us with two possibilities: either Obama was in fact born in Kenya like his grandmother claims, or he was born in a private home in Hawaii but was never taken to be recorded and be recognized as a US citizen. If the former were true, Barack Obama and Barry Soetoro could be two different people, leaving one of the two operating under a false identity. In fact did you know that Obama's current Social Security number identifies him as a man born in Connecticut? Watch White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs walk out of the room, prematurely ending the conference, when asked about the question of Obama's social security number...


Make of it what you will, either way the Constitution states that the President MUST be born an American citizen, and we have no credible proof of this for Obama. This should already be reason enough for a responsible citizen who believes in the values of justice and liberty and respects the Constitution to reject Obama, regardless of whether or not you like his policies. But this is only the very tip of the iceberg...

In 1971, Obama's mother sends him to live with his grandparents in Hawaii to get the benefits of an American education. While in Hawaii, Obama states that he was exposed to Hawaiian anti-American sediment of anti-colonialism. He recollects in his book that he agreed with the argument of the time that America was evil for colonizing Hawaii, even though most Hawaiians liked being part of the US.

In 1979, Obama (allegedly) attends Occidental college in Los Angeles. Only the accounts of friends prove Obama went to Occidental college in Los Angeles. For some odd reason Obama has never released transcipts, writings or records of his time here. However, in his book Dreams from My Father, Obama writes about his time there, stating: "I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students... The Marxist professors and structural feminists." His friends at Occidental include 2 Pakistani transfer students named Wahid Hamid and Mohammad Hassan Chandoo.


Obama and Hamid travel to Pakistan in 1981. The purpose of their trip remains unknown.

Mohammad Hassan Chandoo later becomes a "bundler" for Obama in his bid for the Presidency, raising as much as $100,000.

After 2 years at Occidental Obama leaves to attend Columbia University in New York. Again, only the accounts of friends, professors and a few photos suggest he was there.

After college Obama moves to Chicago and becomes a community organizer. When he is sworn in as an Illonois attorney he was asked, under oath, if he had ever used any other names. He responds: "none". By doing so he defrauds the State Bar of Illonois and becomes guilty of perjury. He later meets with Bill Ayers, co-founder of the 1960's terrorist organization the Weather Underground. Bill Ayers stated after his group bombed the US Capitol Building that his group "should've done more".

                                                                               Bill Ayers today stepping on the flag

From 1995 to 1999 Obama is Chairman of the Chicago Annenburg Challenge, a program designed to reform Chicago public schools. Bill Ayers writes the initial grant application for the project and a grant is issued for $49.2 million, matching donors increase that amount even more. The funds are spent, but not well accounted for and interestingly enough Chicago public schools do not improve. Obama later launches his political career in the home of Bill Ayers.

In 1996 he joins the New Party, formed by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The DSA is self-described as "the largest socialist organization in the United States and the principle U.S affiliate of the Socialist International”. The New Party works alongside a "community organizing" group called ACORN. Obama was very active with this group and as an organizer Obama trains ACORN employees, and as a lawyer he represents ACORN in a lawsuit. ACORN has come under investigation in 14 states for voter registration fraud.


Proof of Obama's affiliation with the Socialist New Party (Illonois)

Obama's law firm represents a developer. He strikes a deal between his client and Lebanese business man Tony Rezko to build low-income housing. Rezko is known as a "slum-landlord" and his projects are not well maintained, Rezko becomes an early Obama contributor. Obama buys a house with Rezko's help at the same time that Rezko was being federally investigated in a corruption scandal. Rezko is found guilty on 16 of 24 charges.



Obama begins attending the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) annual banquets in 1997. It is here that he meets Palestinian Liberation Organization (a group that seeks to end the state of Israel) advisor Edward Said. At the 2003 annual AAAN banquet Obama makes a toast to a Chicago professor and former Palestinian Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi who describes Israel's actions as "genocide against the Palestinian people". Bill Ayers is also in attendance at this meeting.

In 2006 Obama, now a US Senator, goes to Kenya, against US protocol, to campaign for his cousin Raila Odinga, who is running for the office of Kenyan President. He contributes almost $1 million to Kenya’s Democratic Socialist Orange Party, to which Odinga belonged. This violated the US Logan Act and Obama should be imprisoned for three years, as the act states. This story does not end here however. Kenya is a country that is 10% Muslim and about 90% Christian. Odinga signed a memorandum with the Muslim leaders in Kenya and agreed to institute Sharia Law in Muslim declared regions of Kenya AND establish Sharia courts into ALL provinces of Kenya if elected. Another part of Odinga’s agreement was that Odinga agreed to outlaw open worship of Jesus Christ in all parts of Kenya. Obama told his cousin that if he didn’t win his election he should blame it on election fraud. Well, Odinga lost the election and accused his opponent of fraud. Muslim supporters of Odinga then started an uprising and murdered many people, especially targeting Christians. Neither Odinga nor Obama have ever denounced these massacres.
       Obama and Odinga
Obama campaigning for Odinga in Kenya. Violates Logan Act
Odinga supporters start riots and religious cleansing.

In his 2008 bid for the Presidency, Obama gets MILLIONS of dollars in illegal campaign contributions, many from foreign sources. $33,000 came from Rafah refugee camp in Gaza, phone banks are set up in Gaza to solicit donations. At least $500,000 is received from foreign contributors that are not identified and report "not being employed". Obama is also funded by GEORGE SOROS a multi-billionaire and international socialist, he writes a book called On Globalization in which he calls for a one world - international government. George Soros and his father were German Jews during WWII, they defected and turned in Jews to the Nazi’s, George Soros reportedly contributes $2 million to Obama in 2008.

And of course as we all know Obama wins the US Presidential election in a landslide victory over John McCain. A few days before the election, Obama says this to his brainwashed supporters at a rally…





We now are aware of Obama’s life-long involvement with corruption and of his affiliation with socialists, terrorists and radicals. The previous video shows us a secret hidden in plain view, Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform” America. This statement should not be ignored since Obama is an individual who chose to surround himself with people who operate in the shadows and support anti-American ideals. Here’s how Obama is making good on his promise to transform America…

The Big 3

  1. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Signed by Obama on New Years Eve, 2011

  • Signed while America was celebrating the New Year.
  • Declares all US soil a “battleground” in the War on Terror
  • Enables the President, or any one the President appoints, to arrest American citizens without charge or trial and to hold them indefinitely.
  • Suspends Habeas Corpus and Due Process of Law.
  • Eradicates our democratic-republic by instituting a state of Martial Law in the US.
  • The Military will become our law enforcement. (police-state)

     2.   National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP) Executive Order signed March 16, 2012

  • Obama enforced this by bypassing Congress via Executive Order.
  • It is written in confusing political language that makes it hard to understand.
  • Allows the President to seize control over the US Economy and all of it resources.
  • The President will have control over all food and water, all farmland, all energy, and national resources such as coal, oil and steel and will be able to determine how it will be distributed and to whom it will be distributed.
  • The President will have the power to be able to shut down all roads, highways and systems of transportation in the United States.
  • The President can do this in times of peace and vaguely defined “national emergency”. ( as stated in section 102)
  • The following is a link to Executive Order 13063 on the official White House website. Be sure to check out the above mentioned section 102, and Obama’s signature of approval at the end of the document.

     3.   Obamacare

  • Began Obama’s dream of bringing Socialism to America.
  • Closes loopholes that allow pharmaceutical companies to sell drugs and medication to pharmacies at very low prices and will ironically enough because of that RAISE healthcare costs. (if you think healthcare is expensive now wait until you see what it costs when it is “free”!)
  • Creates a tax of 3% of total income for all Americans by 2016.
  • Government essentially has overridden our free market system and has forcibly taken control of all healthcare in the nation, a sector that represents 25% of the total US economy.
  • Creates many new taxes such as a 10% tax on tanning, soda, candy, etc.
  • Was passed despite not even having the funding to pay for it.
  • Will raise the national deficit by 3 trillion dollars every 10 years.
  • Creates a panel of un-elected officials that determines who will actually get care and who will not. Therefore, not everybody will get coverage!
  • Establishes government endorsed abortions funded by taxpayers.
  • If it is supposed to be such a great bill, the people who passed the bill in Congress would have included themselves in it. Instead, they exclude themselves from it and will be the only people in America who can choose their own private healthcare and doctors. What happened to the rule of law?!

Other things Obama has done

- Denies a request to meet with our ally Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but in the same week meets with Jay-Z, Beyonce and makes an appearance on David Letterman.

- Refuses to draw a “clear red-line” as Netanyahu has pleaded for at the UN against an increasingly aggressive Iran. By doing nothing he sides with Iran. (Iran states its nuclear program is peaceful, meanwhile enriching uranium to weapons-grade levels and promising death to Israel and America.)

- Raises the debt more than all previous 43 Presidents combined!

- Families have lost 30% of their wealth since Obama takes office. 30% poorer.

- Unemployment rose from 7% to above 10%. Now its  just below 8% and I guess Obama just wants us to consider that the new normal.

- Disallows oil drilling but sends $4 BILLION to Brazil so they can drill for their oil using our money. Brazil now supplies Russia and China with cheap oil.

- Has irritated our closest allies.

- Gives the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt the benefit of the doubt despite them founding Hamas and telling the people of Egypt to prepare for war with Israel and Western World.

- Violated the War Powers Act with illegal war games in Syria.

- Expanded the War in Afghanistan despite promising to end War on Terror.

- Expanded the Unconstitutional Patriot Act started by George W. Bush despite promising to end it.

- Supports USA Nuclear disarmament in spite of Iran and possible coming wars, and in spite that Russia and other nation will not do the same.

-  Critically damaged military operations in Afghanistan by simultaneously announcing troop surge and withdraw timetable.

Operation Fast and Furious was an assassination plot by the Government against its own people in an attempt to gain public support for ending the 2nd Amendment and banning all guns in the country, probably to make implementation of NDAA easier.

In regard to the NDAA and NDRP, Obama made some very interesting statements before enacting both, hinting that he will “Bypass Congress” on several occasions.


Take special note of his demeanor while making these statements. At about 4:25 into the video people are actually chanting “Yes We Can!” after Obama suggests he should bypass Congress! Obama then says the idea of bypassing Congress is “tempting”. That is how bad this deception has gotten. Mr. President you cannot, under any circumstance, bypass Congress to change and make laws by yourself! That is the responsibility of our Legislative Branch.

Part III


 This next part might cause disability to sleep at night.

In part 1 we learned that Obama is in fact affiliated with the Socialist Party, and that he has chosen to associate himself with anti-American radicals his whole life. In Part II, we connected the dots of Obama’s past to his actions as President. As shown in the previous video, we can see that Obama is trying to rally up his blind-sided supporters into supporting his total rule over this country; he has already made it possible for him to do so via NDAA and NDRP, we should take this possibility very seriously.

Obama now has the power to make political opponents "disappear"...


All about the NDRP - the end of the Constitution and the American Way of life.


Now Obama plays the waiting game, waiting on the event of a “national emergency” to bring these things into play against the American people. That “event” could be war with Iran, economic collapse, or even Obama losing the election. This country is literally one event away from becoming a totalitarian state.

In fact, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is building suspicious "camps" all over the country. The camps are slated to start being staffed in January 2013, nobody knows what the purpose of the camps are or why they are being staffed, but take a look inside of one...


I'm not implying what these camps are for, but its open for debate.

MTV runs odd ad shortly after passage of NDAA, stating: "The Holocaust happened to people like us"


This concludes my answer to the question: "Is President Obama serving the best interest of our country?"




"Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"

Stockholm Syndrome: Psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy towards their captors or those who threaten them, sometimes to the point of defending them.

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